Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I feel like I need to fill you in somewhat on what's been going on in my life to keep me busy.

So, after our September trip to celebrate my Great Aunt Faye's 100th birthday spending time with my sister Dee, Aunt Jo along with my other sister, Debbie and Donna, we did go make another trip up to my dad's for our traditional fall road trip visiting the corn maze/hayride. Fall is my favorite season and we love the farm country up in Williamsport. Plus this initiates us into fall!

(Christine, dad, and Donna)

Then we celebrated Naomi's 6th birthday in October. We had also had Dave's birthday, Melody's birthday, and Phil's birthday in October. Jon and Mel had family over to their house to help Naomi celebrate even though she was not feeling too well that day.

(Naomi, Darlene, Lydia)

Our first grandparents day at Open Door Christian Academy was in November. Naomi enjoyed having both sets of grandparents there and we enjoyed being there with her.

(Dave, Darlene, Naomi)

Donna, Jon, Mel and girls and Bethany and Phil were here at our house for Thanksgiving dinner which was fun. I tried some couple new dishes this year finding the recipes on the web. One was a new stuffing recipe and the other was with yellow squash. Both turned out good if I say so myself. We played games, worked on our Christmas wish lists, watched football, and worked on a holiday crossword puzzle. The weekend after Thanksgiving, Debbie and Ralph Shay from Texas came for a visit and we enjoyed seeing them a couple of times.
I celebrated my birthday before the Christmas holidays. December is always busy getting ready for Christmas, shopping, baking, wrapping, etc. Our family get together was at Jon and Mel's on Christmas Eve. Lydia said, I got everything I wanted! Naomi asked me after New Year's if she was ever going to see me again -- we did see a lot of each other from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

Mel, Lydia, Jon, Naomi Phil & Bethany Brian & Sarah

Donna, Andrew, Christine Donna & Darlene

Happy New Year -- 2009!


Andrew said...

i like your quick catch up! haha. thanks for your comments =) i loved them!

Andrew said...

Oh! and i found out about the murder mystery dinner through Presby... the activities coordinator had a brochure and I ended up calling and making reservations -- it was fun, i'd do it again! Plus the Peddlars Villiage is a very cute area.