Saturday, June 14, 2008

I am Back

Sorry to have been gone for a while. In late April, we had a surprise 30th birthday party for my oldest, Jon, down at a Wings lacrosse game. It included some of his friends and co-workers plus family. I think he was truly surprised much to his wife, Melody's delight. Then on his actual birthday, May 2, we had a small dinner party at our house. Can't believe he is 30.

In mid-April, Dave and I took the girls to the circus down at the Spectrum which was a lot of fun! I think we all agreed the elephants were our favorite.

Memorial day weekend was spent by a bunch of us going up to my dad's in Williamsport, PA to spend a time of camping in his back yard and doing work around the outside of his house. Boy did he have a list of jobs for us. We all worked hard and got a lot done but there were some things we didn't get done. My sister came from Texas to spend some time with us and go up with us to help. The girls found a caterpillar naming him Bob and a frog naming him Stanley. They were hard workers too.

We enjoyed Debbie's PA visit and was sad to see her leave on June 2 to go back to Texas. But looking forward to her coming later in the year for another visit. My sister and I took a day off from work and took Deb to Longwood Gardens for a day. It was a beautiful sunny day and the flowers and plants were magnificent! I will post pictures on my next post. I will try to post more often during the summer. So until the next time. . .

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